Season 2 - Episode 5: You ARE an Entrepreneur
Welcome to Episode 5 of Season 2 and the first episode of our Startup Takeoff series. Today we tackle the psychological barriers to entrepreneurship. The first biggie? Breaking the mold and starting your own company can feel unnatural and intimidating. You might think you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship. But here’s the thing: entrepreneurs are made, not born. You are an entrepreneur and you can do this.
Background Story
Dave here. I remember my working AppArmor on the side while at a telecom job. I was working on my pitch every day, prospecting, emailing, and improving our marketing, trying to better understand the market. I wanted out of my job at the time so bad, and knew that we possibly had the slightest little something we could act on as a full time job.
Things were looking up. I was ready to make the leap to full-time startup-ness. I was sitting across from my boss in one of those sterile meeting rooms. Greys and light blues, a large wooden conference table, depressing lighting—it was in the middle of a floor and had no windows with natural light. You know what I mean.
My boss was a great guy, super friendly and patient with this loud twenty-something who thought he knew something when he didn’t know squat. I told my boss I was out and leaving for my startup.
My boss was happy for me. He wanted me to be successful. He probably thought I was nuts to walk away. Walking out of the building, I thought to myself - holy cow, I’m an entrepreneur now. I was worried it would freak out my then girlfriend (now wife!).
For a while I felt like it wasn’t quite right. Who was I to do this? I’m not actually an entrepreneur - I’m just a guy. Turns out that I was an entrepreneur and it was just the early doubts starting to eat me alive.
Nature vs. Nurture: Are entrepreneurs born or made? Made.
Entrepreneurship is a Discipline: It’s a science and an art. It’s a discipline that can be learned.
Ignore the Startup BS: Ignore the pop-culture expectations of what your business, or what a startup, “should be”
Busted Myths
The myth is that great Entrepreneurs are born, not made. That’s trash. Think about it - literally there’s no creative, risk-taking, or innovative “gene”. Anyone can become a great entrepreneur, especially you. Some seem more entrepreneurial, but all of us have the capability to take on the world with a new idea.
You can do this. Just look at how entrepreneurs vary. From Cuban, to Dell, to Oprah, to Elon - People from different backgrounds, with different skills, different everything, can get to the startup promised land. They got there because they worked at it. They had experiences, they potentially trained, and probably had at least some level of mentorship. These are all steps you can follow.
Focus on 4 key areas: Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck. These areas can make you into a better entrepreneur.
We’re going to get into this next week, but here’s an important thing to know. If you’re about to start your business, ignore the pop-culture expectations of what your business, or what a startup, “should be”. We’re startup different for a reason, and that noise can quickly lead you astray as you’re getting your business going. Focus on you, your product, and your customer. Worry about the rest later.
Entrepreneurs are Made, not Born.
You are or can be an entrepreneur right now. Ignore the weird feelings.
Entrepreneurship is a discipline. You can and will get better as an entrepreneur.
Remember: Heart, Smart, Luck, and Guts.
Ignore the startup noise and focus on the immediate business concerns.
Data And References
What Makes Entrepreneurs Burn Out
by Anthony K. Tjan (Author), Richard J. Harrington (Author), Tsun-Yan Hsieh (Author)
Harvard Business Review Press - July 17 2012