Available for pre-order on Amazon now

Full availability October 1st 2024

Our Story

Two brothers from small-town Canada joined forces and jumped from obscurity to startup success. We want you to be like us.

The Book

Startup Different, the book, will be available at all major online book retailers in Fall 2024. We’re excited to share details as we get closer to launch!

The Podcast

We thought we’d do something super original; we started a podcast about business. Learn how our is different.


We want to pay it forward and share our story with your people. We’d love to speak at your event.

  • "From revolutions to disruptions to pivots, running your own startup is a sexy but over-hyped affair. Let's cut through the noise."

    – Dave

  • "There's a rational and hype-free way to grow your business. Starting up different can create a legitimate company without all the nonsense."

    - Chris

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