Season 6 - Episode 10: Body & Business: How Anthony Ng Monica Built Two Successful Ventures from Scratch

Anthony shares his remarkable path from selling pirated software as a 12-year-old to building and exiting a 70-employee, bootstrapped e-commerce bundling platform. Now running Daily Body Coach, he explains how his entrepreneurial mindset helps executives maintain peak physical performance while managing demanding business lives. Welcome to Startup Different!

  • Anthony started his entrepreneurial journey at a young age.

  • He pivoted his business model based on customer insights.

  • Understanding market needs is crucial for success.

  • Health and fitness are essential for entrepreneurs.

  • Daily Body Coach focuses on personalized fitness plans.

  • Technology plays a significant role in fitness solutions.

  • You don't need a lot of money to start a business.

  • Customer feedback is vital for product development.

  • Building a scalable business model is key.

  • Consistency over time leads to better results.


Season 6 - Episode 9: Playing the Startup Long Game WORKS